Category Archives: News & Event

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Assessment in PALYJA

Assessment in PALYJA


assessment in palyja

Since early 2012, dPi Consulting has been conducting assessment program for PT. PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA). More than 200 employees have been assessed through this program, from supervisory level, superintendent, manager and senior manager level. The objective of this program is to identify strengths and limitations of the employees and prepare individual development plan.


Pra Pension Training Program in CIMB Niaga

Pra Pension Training Program in CIMB Niaga


Pra Pension Training Program in CIMB Niaga


CIMB Niaga has a big concern to their employees who enter pension age (more than 53 years old). In 2013 CIMB Niaga appointed dPi Consulting to conduct and manage the pra pension training program. This is a couple program, thus every employee who attends this program is encouraged to bring his/her spouse. Up to now, dPi Consulting has been conducting 9 batches, and each batch has 20 – 30 participants.
The program starts with psychological and health talk, and then is continued with financial planning and entrepreneurship. AFTER THE PROGRAM, they are invited to join the free consultation and entrepreneurship course, with certain terms and condition.


Consultation Rajawali TV (RTV)

Consultation Rajawali TV (RTV)


consultation rajawali tv (rtv)

RTV (Rajawali Televisi) prevoiusly is a B channel which already operated for several years. It was basically a non commercial TV. In recent year, the management decided to be a commercial TV and change their name to RTV. dPi Consulting was assigned to develop the infrastructure of Human Resources Division


DiSC Certification Training

DiSC Certification Training


disc certification training

As a partner of Capelle Consulting, an International Partner of Wiley Publishing, dPi Consulting is entitled to provide DiSC Certification Training. The objective of the training is to understand the basic concept of DiSC, implements DiSCR concept at work and social life, to build a better team work, and improve communication, personal development, reduce conflict, etc. Participants are from : Bank Mega, Trans TV, Pfizer Indonesia, Darya Varia Laboratoria, Travira Air, General Motor, CNI, etc.


Fingerprint in Aviaterra Flying School

Aviaterra Fliyng School is a school for PILOT and is located in Halim area. The management of Aviaterra uses our assessment service to select and recruit their students. dPi Consulting uses FINGERPRINT TEST as one of the tools and is integrated with other psychometric tools to identify the talents of the students. Specifically, FINGERPRINT TEST helps us to identify whether students have inborn talent to be a PILOT.
The output will show whether the students has low potential, medium
potential or high potential to be a PILOT. This result will help the school management to use different approach to each student.